Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Chapter 7

   During Puckleclaw's announcement Wintereye learned that after everyone had left Strawberry Tree, Pineglory set off to explore Moon Tree. Moon Tree had pure white fruit things. Pineglory, attracted to the purity of the color and encouraged by the rumble of his stomach, ate one.  On the way back to his territory, Pineglory was attacked by a vicious band of rats and bitten by a rat named Red chopper. Iimmediately Pineglory got a serious infection.  He was barely able to make it back to his camp.  Safetyherb (Medicine cat) was able to watch over him as he healed but one night something weird happened!  Pineglory stopped breathing and out of his body came a ghost - the ghost of Willowtail.
   Willowtail's ghost said, "Each clan leader shall gain 7 lives from eating a Moon fruit. Pineglory now has 7 lives remaining."
  Wintereye no longer needed to travel to Moon Tree and stayed back to make the camp better.
Eat white chocolate and gain 7 think?

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